Documentation for Roda (v3.90.0)
README (Introduction to Roda, start here if new)
Online Book
Federico Iachetti has generously put his Mastering Roda book under the Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, and posted a publicly accessible online version. The book has been updated and now is kept up to date with changes to Roda. If you would like to improve the book, please submit a merge request.
RDoc (frames)
Here are direct links to the most important pages:
- Roda ClassMethods (used for configuring Roda)
- Roda InstanceMethods (minimal so as not to pollute the scope)
- Roda RequestMethods (all the methods for routing requests, such as r.on)
- Roda ResponseMethods (methods for manipulating the response directly)
Plugins are a very important part of Roda, since by design Roda has a very small core.
Plugins that Ship with Roda
- Routing:
- autoload_hash_branches: Allows autoloading file for a hash branch when there is a request for that branch.
- autoload_named_routes: Allows autoloading file for a named route when there is a request for that route.
- all_verbs: Adds request routing methods for all http verbs.
- backtracking_array: Allows array matchers to backtrack if later matchers do not match.
- break: Supports break inside routing blocks for skipping the current matching route block as if it didn't match.
- class_level_routing: Adds class level routing methods, for a DSL similar to sinatra.
- error_handler: Adds ability to automatically handle errors raised by the application.
- hash_branches: Supports O(1) dispatching to multiple branches at all levels in the routing tree.
- hash_paths: Supports O(1) dispatching to multiple paths at all levels in the routing tree.
- hash_routes: Provides a DSL to configure the hash_branches and hash_paths plugins.
- head: Treat HEAD requests like GET requests with an empty response body.
- hmac_paths: Prevent path enumeration and support access control using HMACs in paths.
- hooks: Adds before/after hook methods.
- host_routing: Adds support for routing based on the host header.
- match_hook: Adds a hook method which is called when a path segment is matched.
- match_hook_args: Similar to match_hook plugin, but supports passing matchers and block args to hooks.
- multi_route: Allows dispatching to multiple named route blocks in a single call.
- multi_run: Adds the ability to dispatch to multiple rack applications based on the request path prefix.
- named_routes: Allows for multiple named route blocks that can be dispatched to inside the main route block.
- not_allowed: Adds support for automatically returning 405 Method Not Allowed responses.
- not_found: Adds not_found method for handling responses not otherwise handled by a route.
- pass: Adds pass method for skipping the current matching route block as if it didn't match.
- path_rewriter: Adds support for rewriting paths before routing.
- route_block_args: Controls which arguments are passed to the route block.
- run_append_slash: Makes use "/" instead of "" for app's PATH_INFO
- run_handler: Allows for modifying rack response arrays when using, and continuing routing for 404 responses.
- run_require_slash: Skip dispatching to another application if PATH_INFO for dispatch would violate Rack SPEC
- static_routing: Adds class level static routing methods, for maximum performance when handling static routes (routes without placeholders).
- status_handler: Adds status_handler method for handling responses without bodies for a given status code.
- type_routing: Route based on path extensions and Accept headers.
- unescape_path: Decodes URL-encoded PATH_INFO before routing.
- Rendering/View:
- additional_render_engines: Allows for considering multiple render engines, using path for first template that exists.
- additional_view_directories: Allows for checking for templates in multiple view directories, using path for first template that exists.
- assets: Adds support for rendering CSS/JS javascript assets on the fly in development, or compiling them into a single compressed file in production.
- assets_preloading: Adds support for generating browser-hinting preload link tags and headers.
- branch_locals: Adds ability to specify defaults for template locals on a per-branch basis.
- capture_erb: Allows capturing the output of ERB template blocks, instead of injecting them into the template output.
- chunked: Adds support for streaming template responses using Transfer-Encoding: chunked.
- content_for: Allows storage of content in one template and retrieval of that content in a different template.
- custom_block_results: Adds support for arbitrary objects as block results.
- erb_h: Adds faster (if slightly less safe method) h method for html escaping, based on erb/escape.
- exception_page: Shows page with debugging information for exceptions, designed for use in error handler in development mode.
- h: Adds h method for html escaping.
- hash_branch_view_subdir: Automatically appends a view subdirectory for each successful hash branch taken.
- inject_erb: Allows injecting arbitrary content directly into ERB template output.
- json: Allows match blocks to return arrays and hashes, using a json representation as the response body.
- link_to: Simplifies creation of HTML links.
- multi_public: Adds support for serving all files in multiple public directories.
- multi_view: Allows for easily setting up routing for rendering multiple views.
- named_templates: Adds the ability to create inline templates by name, instead of storing them in the file system.
- padrino_render: Makes render method that work similarly to Padrino's rendering, using a layout by default.
- part: Adds part method for simpler rendering of templates with locals.
- partials: Adds partial method for rendering partials (templates prefixed with an underscore).
- precompile_templates: Adds support for precompiling templates, saving memory when using a forking webserver.
- public: Adds support for serving all files in the public directory.
- recheck_precompiled_assets: Allows checking for the precompiled assets metadata file for updates.
- render: Adds render method for rendering templates, using tilt.
- render_each: Render a template for each value in an enumerable.
- render_coverage: Sets compiled_path for Tilt templates, allowing coverage of compiled templates before Ruby 3.2 (requires tilt 2.1+).
- render_locals: Adds ability to specify defaults for template locals.
- static: Adds support for serving static files using Rack::Static.
- streaming: Adds ability to stream responses.
- symbol_views: Allows match blocks to return template name symbols, uses the template view as the response body.
- timestamp_public: Adds support for serving files in the public directory, with paths that change based on file modification time.
- view_options: Allows for setting view options on a per-request basis.
- Request/Response:
- assume_ssl: Makes request ssl? method always return true, for use with SSL-terminating reverse proxies that do not set appropriate headers.
- caching: Adds request and response methods related to http caching.
- content_security_policy: Allows setting an appropriate Content-Security-Policy header for the application/branch/action.
- cookie_flags: Adds checks for certain cookie flags, to update, warn, or error if they are not set correctly.
- cookies: Adds response methods for handling cookies.
- default_headers: Allows modifying the default headers for responses.
- default_status: Allows overriding the default status for responses.
- delegate: Adds class methods for creating instance methods that delegate to the request, response, or class.
- delete_empty_headers: Automatically delete response headers with empty values.
- disallow_file_uploads: Disallow multipart file uploads.
- drop_body: Automatically drops response body and Content-Type/Content-Length headers for response statuses indicating no body.
- halt: Augments request halt method for support for setting response status and/or response body.
- hsts: Sets Strict-Transport-Security response header.
- invalid_request_body: Allows for custom handling of invalid request bodies.
- module_include: Adds request_module and response_module class methods for adding modules/methods to request/response classes.
- permissions_policy: Allows setting an appropriate Permissions-Policy header for the application/branch/action.
- plain_hash_response_headers: Uses plain hashes for response headers on Rack 3, for much better performance.
- r: Adds r method for accessing the request, useful when r local variable is not in scope.
- redirect_http_to_https: Adds request method to redirect HTTP requests to the same location using HTTPS.
- request_aref: Adds configurable handling for [] and []= request methods.
- request_headers: Adds a headers method to the request object, for easier access to request headers.
- response_request: Gives response object access to request object.
- sinatra_helpers: Port of Sinatra::Helpers methods not covered by other plugins.
- status_303: Uses 303 as the default redirect status for non-GET requests by HTTP 1.1 clients.
- symbol_status: Allows the use of symbols as status codes, converting them to the appropriate integer.
- typecast_params: Allows for easily converting parameter values to explicit types.
- typecast_params_sized_integers: Allows for easily converting parameter values to integers for specific integer sizes (8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit).
- Matchers:
- class_matchers: Adds support for handling matchers for arbitrary classes, with support for type conversion.
- custom_matchers: Adds support for arbitrary objects as matchers.
- empty_root: Makes root matcher match empty string in addition to single slash.
- hash_matcher: Adds hash_matcher class method for easily defining hash matchers.
- header_matchers: Adds matchers using information from the request headers.
- Integer_matcher_max: Sets a maximum integer value that will be matched by the default Integer matcher.
- match_affix: Adds support for overriding default prefix/suffix used in match patterns.
- multibyte_string_matcher: Makes string matcher handle multibyte characters.
- param_matchers: Adds matchers using information from the request params.
- params_capturing: Stores matcher captures in the request params.
- path_matchers: Adds matchers using information from the request path.
- placeholder_string_matchers: Supports placeholders in strings for backwards compatibility.
- optimized_segment_matchers: Adds performance optimized matchers for single String class argument.
- optimized_string_matchers: Adds performance optimized matchers for single string arguments.
- slash_path_empty: Considers a path of "/" as an empty path when doing a terminal match.
- symbol_matchers: Adds support for symbol-specific matching regexps.
- Mail:
- error_email: Adds ability to easily email a notification when an error is raised by the application, using net/smtp.
- error_mail: Adds ability to easily email a notification when an error is raised by the application, using mail.
- mail_processor: Adds support for processing emails using the routing tree.
- mailer: Adds support for sending emails using the routing tree.
- Middleware:
- direct_call: Makes skip the middleware stack, allowing more optimization when dispatching routes.
- middleware: Allows the Roda app to be used as middleware by another app.
- middleware_stack: Allows removing middleware and inserting middleware before the end of the stack.
- Other:
- common_logger: Adds support for logging in common log format.
- conditional_sessions: Allows for using the session plugin for a subset of requests.
- csrf: Older CSRF plugin for backwards compatibility using rack_csrf.
- environments: Adds support for handling different execution environments (development/test/production).
- early_hints: Adds support for using 103 Early Hints responses when using a compatible server.
- filter_common_logger: Adds support for skipping the logging of certain requests when using the common_logger plugin.
- flash: Adds flash handling.
- heartbeat: Adds support for heartbeats.
- host_authorization: Allows configuring an authorized host or an array of authorized hosts.
- indifferent_params: Adds params method for indifferent parameters.
- json_parser: Parses request bodies in JSON format.
- path: Adds support for named paths.
- relative_path: Adds support for turning absolute paths into paths relative to current request.
- route_csrf: Recommended CSRF plugin with request-specific tokens and control over where CSRF tokens are checked during routing.
- sessions: Implements support for encrypted sessions.
- shared_vars: Stores and retrives variables shared between multiple Roda apps.
- strip_path_prefix: Strips prefixes off internal absolute paths, making them relative paths.
External Resources
- Adding Authentication
- Up and Going in Roda: Static Ruby Websites
- Up and Going in Roda: A Simple Ruby Blog
- Digging ruby from Roda
These projects ship external plugins for Roda:
- autoforme: Adds autoforme method for automatic creation of administrative front-end for Sequel models.
- forme: Adds form method for simple creation of html forms inside erb templates.
- rodauth: Authentication and account management framework.
- roda-action: Resolves actions stored in roda-container.
- roda-auth: Adds authentication support for Roda.
- roda-basic-auth: Adds support for HTTP basic authentication.
- roda-component: Adds realtime components using faye and opal.
- roda-container: Turns application into an inversion of control (IoC) container.
- roda-enhanced_logger: A powerful logger.
- roda-flow: Changes routing methods to delegate to containers.
- roda-i18n: Adds easy internationalization and localization support.
- roda-mailer_ext: Teach the Roda mailer plugin a few neat tricks.
- roda-mailer_preview: Preview your emails generated by the Roda mailer plugin.
- roda-message_bus: MessageBus Integration for Roda.
- roda-parse-request: Automatically parse JSON and URL-encoded requests.
- roda-rails: Integration for using Roda as Rack middleware in a Rails app.
- roda-route_list: Parses route metadata from comments in an app file, allowing introspection of routes.
- roda-rest_api: Adds support for easily creating RESTful APIs.
- roda-sprockets: Use Sprockets to build and serve JS and CSS.
- roda-symbolized_params: Adds params method for symbolized params.
- roda-unpoly: Easily integrate Unpoly into your Roda application.
- roda-will_paginate: will_paginate integration for Roda.
- rom-roda: Adds integration with Ruby Object Mapper.
These external projects are related to Roda:
- newrelic-roda: Adds newrelic instrument for Roda.
- roda-bin: Add bin/roda binary for a simple development server that reloads on changes.
- roda-sequel-stack: Application Skeleton For Roda/Sequel stack.
- roda_app: Generator for Roda apps.
- roda-template-simple: Template for a simple Roda application
Change Log
Release Notes
- 3.90
- 3.89 | 3.88 | 3.87 | 3.86 | 3.85 | 3.84 | 3.83 | 3.82 | 3.81 | 3.80
- 3.79 | 3.78 | 3.77 | 3.76 | 3.75 | 3.74 | 3.73 | 3.72 | 3.71 | 3.70
- 3.69 | 3.68 | 3.67 | 3.66 | 3.65 | 3.64 | 3.63 | 3.62 | 3.61 | 3.60
- 3.59 | 3.58 | 3.57 | 3.56 | 3.55 | 3.54 | 3.53 | 3.52 | 3.51 | 3.50
- 3.49 | 3.48 | 3.47 | 3.46 | 3.45 | 3.44 | 3.43 | 3.42 | 3.41 | 3.40
- 3.39 | 3.38 | 3.37 | 3.36 | 3.35 | 3.34 | 3.33 | 3.32 | 3.31 | 3.30
- 3.29 | 3.28 | 3.27 | 3.26 | 3.25 | 3.24 | 3.23 | 3.22 | 3.21 | 3.20
- 3.19 | 3.18 | 3.17 | 3.16 | 3.15 | 3.14.1 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.12 | 3.11 | 3.10
- 3.9 | 3.8 | 3.7 | 3.6 | 3.5 | 3.4 | 3.3 | 3.2 | 3.1 | 3.0
- 2.29 | 2.28 | 2.27 | 2.26 | 2.25 | 2.24 | 2.23 | 2.22 | 2.21 | 2.20
- 2.19 | 2.18 | 2.17 | 2.16 | 2.15 | 2.14 | 2.13 | 2.12 | 2.11 | 2.10
- 2.9 | 2.8 | 2.7 | 2.6 | 2.5.1 | 2.5 | 2.4 | 2.3 | 2.2 | 2.1 | 2.0
- 1.3 | 1.2 | 1.1 | 1.0
- content_for :devs 010: Advanced Ruby with Jeremy Evans
- Rubber Duck Dev Show 83: All About Roda with Jeremy Evans
- Ruby Rogues 507: Building with Just What You Need Using Roda with Jeremy Evans
- Ruby Rogues 210: Roda and Routing Trees with Jeremy Evans
- "The first 10 years of Roda" Presentation at November 2024 SF Bay Area Ruby Meetup (Video)
- "10 Years of Roda" Presentation at RubyConf 2024 (Video)
- "Roda: Simplicity, Reliability, Extensibility, Performance" Presentation at RubyConf Thailand 2022 (Video)
- "Roda: Simplicity, Reliability, Extensibility, Performance" Presentation at RubyConf Pakistan March 2022 (Video)
- "Dynamic routing in Ruby"
- "Roda" Lightning Talk at RailsConf 2015 (4x3 version) (Video)
- "Better Routing Through Trees" Presentation at MountainWest RubyConf 2015 (4x3 version) (Video)
- "Roda: The Routing Tree Web Framework" Presentation at RubyConf 2014 (4x3 Version) (Video)
Applications Using Roda
Here are some open source applications that use Roda:
- Ubicloud (Open, Free, and Portable Cloud)
- Bridgetown (Progressive Site Generator and Fullstack Framework)
- Karafka Web (User Inferface for Karafka Framework)
- Riff (Quickly Build Restful APIs)
- Kontena (Docker Container Management)
- Alienist Viewer (JRuby Memory Dump Viewer)
- golf-score-roda (Backend for golf-score-frontend)
- tus-ruby-server (Backend for Resumable Uploads)
- LightBlog (Blog Using Markdown Files)
- SPAM (Simple Personal Accounting Manager)
- Giftsmas (Gift Tracking)
- KaeruEra (Exception Tracking)
- Quinto (Version of 1960s 3M Board Game)
- CSPVR (Content-Security-Policy Violation Recorder and Viewer)
- Lila Shell (Basic Chat Application)
- Falcom CD Catalog (Database of Nihon Falcom Albums)
- Forme Demo (Demo Site for Forme)
- AutoForme Demo (Demo Site for AutoForme)
- Rodauth Demo (Demo Site for Rodauth)