
Last Update: 2024-06-12 08:35:42 -0700

New Features

  • The hmac_paths plugin now supports :until and :seconds options for hmac_path, to create a path that is only valid for a specific amount of time. :until sets a specific time that the path will be valid until, and :seconds makes the path only valid for the given number of seconds.

    hmac_path('/widget/1', until: Time.utc(2100))
    # =>  "/dc8b6e56e4cbe7815df7880d42f0e02956b2e4c49881b6060ceb0e49745a540d/t/4102444800/widget/1"

    Requests for the path after the given time will not be matched by r.hmac_path.

Other Improvements

  • The early_hints plugin now correctly follows the Rack 3 SPEC when using Rack 3. This was not caught previously because Rack only added official support for early_hints in the last month.

  • Ruby 3.4 backtraces are now parsed correctly in the exception_page plugin.

  • Some plugins that accept a block no longer issue an unused block warning on Ruby 3.4.