module Roda::RodaPlugins::Base::ResponseMethods

  1. lib/roda/response.rb

Instance methods for RodaResponse


DEFAULT_HEADERS = {RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE => "text/html".freeze}.freeze  


body [R]

The body for the current response.

headers [R]

The hash of response headers for the current response.

status [RW]

The status code to use for the response. If none is given, will use 200 code for non-empty responses and a 404 code for empty responses.

Public Class methods


Set the default headers when creating a response.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/response.rb
62 def initialize
63   @headers = _initialize_headers
64   @body    = []
65   @length  = 0
66 end

Public Instance methods


Return the response header with the given key. Example:

response['Content-Type'] # => 'text/html'
[show source]
   # File lib/roda/response.rb
71 def [](key)
72   @headers[key]
73 end
[]=(key, value)

Set the response header with the given key to the given value.

response['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
[show source]
   # File lib/roda/response.rb
78 def []=(key, value)
79   @headers[key] = value
80 end

The default headers to use for responses.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/response.rb
83 def default_headers
85 end

Return the default response status to be used when the body has been written to. This is split out to make overriding easier in plugins.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
144 def default_status
145   200
146 end

Whether the response body has been written to yet. Note that writing an empty string to the response body marks the response as not empty. Example:

response.empty? # => true
response.empty? # => false
[show source]
   # File lib/roda/response.rb
94 def empty?
95   @body.empty?
96 end

Return the rack response array of status, headers, and body for the current response. If the status has not been set, uses the return value of default_status if the body has been written to, otherwise uses a 404 status. Adds the Content-Length header to the size of the response body.


#  => [200,
#      {'Content-Type'=>'text/html', 'Content-Length'=>'0'},
#      []]
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
110 def finish
111   b = @body
112   set_default_headers
113   h = @headers
115   if b.empty?
116     s = @status || 404
117     if (s == 304 || s == 204 || (s >= 100 && s <= 199))
118       h.delete(RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_TYPE)
119     elsif s == 205
120       empty_205_headers(h)
121     else
122       h[RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH] ||= '0'
123     end
124   else
125     s = @status || default_status
126     h[RodaResponseHeaders::CONTENT_LENGTH] ||= @length.to_s
127   end
129   [s, h, b]
130 end

Return the rack response array using a given body. Assumes a 200 response status unless status has been explicitly set, and doesn’t add the Content-Length header or use the existing body.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
136 def finish_with_body(body)
137   set_default_headers
138   [@status || default_status, @headers, body]
139 end

Show response class, status code, response headers, and response body

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
149 def inspect
150   "#<#{self.class.inspect} #{@status.inspect} #{@headers.inspect} #{@body.inspect}>"
151 end
redirect(path, status = 302)

Set the Location header to the given path, and the status to the given status. Example:

response.redirect('foo', 301)
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
158 def redirect(path, status = 302)
159   @headers[RodaResponseHeaders::LOCATION] = path
160   @status  = status
161   nil
162 end

Return the Roda class related to this response.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
165 def roda_class
166   self.class.roda_class
167 end

Write to the response body. Returns nil.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/response.rb
172 def write(str)
173   s = str.to_s
174   @length += s.bytesize
175   @body << s
176   nil
177 end