module Roda::RodaPlugins::Base::RequestMethods

  1. lib/roda/request.rb

Instance methods for RodaRequest, mostly related to handling routing for the request.


TERM =  


captures [R]

The current captures for the request. This gets modified as routing occurs.

real_remaining_path [R]

The current path to match requests against.

remaining_path [R]

The current path to match requests against.

scope [R]

The Roda instance related to this request object. Useful if routing methods need access to the scope of the Roda route block.

Public Class methods

new(scope, env)

Store the roda instance and environment.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/request.rb
84 def initialize(scope, env)
85   @scope = scope
86   @captures = []
87   @remaining_path = _remaining_path(env)
88   @env = env
89 end

Public Instance methods


Handle match block return values. By default, if a string is given and the response is empty, use the string as the response body.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/request.rb
93 def block_result(result)
94   res = response
95   if res.empty? && (body = block_result_body(result))
96     res.write(body)
97   end
98 end
get(*args, &block)

Match GET requests. If no arguments are provided, matches all GET requests, otherwise, matches only GET requests where the arguments given fully consume the path.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
103 def get(*args, &block)
104   _verb(args, &block) if is_get?
105 end

Immediately stop execution of the route block and return the given rack response array of status, headers, and body. If no argument is given, uses the current response.

r.halt [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}, ['Hello World!']]

response.status = 200
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
response.write 'Hello World!'
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
117 def halt(res=response.finish)
118   throw :halt, res
119 end
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
131 def http_version
132   # Prefer SERVER_PROTOCOL as it is required in Rack 3.
133   # Still fall back to HTTP_VERSION if SERVER_PROTOCOL
134   # is not set, in case the server in use is not Rack 3
135   # compliant.
136   @env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] || @env['HTTP_VERSION']
137 end

Show information about current request, including request class, request method and full path.

# => '#<Roda::RodaRequest GET /foo/bar>'
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
126 def inspect
127   "#<#{self.class.inspect} #{@env["REQUEST_METHOD"]} #{path}>"
128 end
is(*args, &block)

Does a terminal match on the current path, matching only if the arguments have fully matched the path. If it matches, the match block is executed, and when the match block returns, the rack response is returned.

# => "/foo/bar" 'foo' do
  # does not match, as path isn't fully matched (/bar remaining)
end 'foo/bar' do
  # matches as path is empty after matching

If no arguments are given, matches if the path is already fully matched.

r.on 'foo/bar' do do
    # matches as path is already empty

Note that this matches only if the path after matching the arguments is empty, not if it still contains a trailing slash:

# =>  "/foo/bar/" 'foo/bar' do
  # does not match, as path isn't fully matched (/ remaining)
end 'foo/bar/' do
  # matches as path is empty after matching

r.on 'foo/bar' do "" do
    # matches as path is empty after matching
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
192 def is(*args, &block)
193   if args.empty?
194     if empty_path?
195       always(&block)
196     end
197   else
198     args << TERM
199     if_match(args, &block)
200   end
201 end

Optimized method for whether this request is a GET request. Similar to the default Rack::Request get? method, but can be overridden without changing rack’s behavior.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
206 def is_get?
207   @env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == 'GET'
208 end

The already matched part of the path, including the original SCRIPT_NAME.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
246 def matched_path
247   e = @env
248   e["SCRIPT_NAME"] + e["PATH_INFO"].chomp(@remaining_path)
249 end
on(*args, &block)

Does a match on the path, matching only if the arguments have matched the path. Because this doesn’t fully match the path, this is usually used to setup branches of the routing tree, not for final handling of the request.

# => "/foo/bar"

r.on 'foo' do
  # matches, path is /bar after matching

r.on 'bar' do
  # does not match

Like other routing methods, If it matches, the match block is executed, and when the match block returns, the rack response is returned. However, in general you will call another routing method inside the match block that fully matches the path and does the final handling for the request:

r.on 'foo' do 'bar' do
    # handle /foo/bar request
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
237 def on(*args, &block)
238   if args.empty?
239     always(&block)
240   else
241     if_match(args, &block)
242   end
243 end

This an an optimized version of Rack::Request#path.

r.env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/foo'
r.env['PATH_INFO'] = '/bar'
# => '/foo/bar'
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
257 def path
258   e = @env
259   "#{e["SCRIPT_NAME"]}#{e["PATH_INFO"]}"
260 end
post(*args, &block)

Match POST requests. If no arguments are provided, matches all POST requests, otherwise, matches only POST requests where the arguments given fully consume the path.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
272 def post(*args, &block)
273   _verb(args, &block) if post?
274 end
redirect(path=default_redirect_path, status=default_redirect_status)

Immediately redirect to the path using the status code. This ends the processing of the request:

r.redirect '/page1', 301 if r['param'] == 'value1'
r.redirect '/page2' # uses 302 status code
response.status = 404 # not reached

If you do not provide a path, by default it will redirect to the same path if the request is not a GET request. This is designed to make it easy to use where a POST request to a URL changes state, GET returns the current state, and you want to show the current state after changing: "foo" do
  r.get do
    # show state
  end do
    # change state
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
299 def redirect(path=default_redirect_path, status=default_redirect_status)
300   response.redirect(path, status)
301   throw :halt, response.finish
302 end

The response related to the current request. See ResponseMethods for instance methods for the response, but in general the most common usage is to override the response status and headers:

response.status = 200
response['Header-Name'] = 'Header value'
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
310 def response
311   @scope.response
312 end

Return the Roda class related to this request.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
315 def roda_class
316   self.class.roda_class
317 end

Match method that only matches GET requests where the current path is /. If it matches, the match block is executed, and when the match block returns, the rack response is returned.

[r.request_method, r.remaining_path]
# => ['GET', '/']

r.root do
  # matches

This is usuable inside other match blocks:

[r.request_method, r.remaining_path]
# => ['GET', '/foo/']

r.on 'foo' do
  r.root do
    # matches

Note that this does not match non-GET requests:

[r.request_method, r.remaining_path]
# => ['POST', '/']

r.root do
  # does not match

Use "" for POST requests where the current path is /.

Nor does it match empty paths:

[r.request_method, r.remaining_path]
# => ['GET', '/foo']

r.on 'foo' do
  r.root do
    # does not match

Use r.get true to handle GET requests where the current path is empty.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
366 def root(&block)
367   if @remaining_path == "/" && is_get?
368     always(&block)
369   end
370 end

Call the given rack app with the environment and return the response from the rack app as the response for this request. This ends the processing of the request:{[403, {}, []]}) unless r['letmein'] == '1'{[404, {}, []]})
response.status = 404 # not reached

This updates SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO based on the current remaining_path before dispatching to another rack app, so the app still works as a URL mapper.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
383 def run(app)
384   e = @env
385   path = real_remaining_path
386   sn = "SCRIPT_NAME"
387   pi = "PATH_INFO"
388   script_name = e[sn]
389   path_info = e[pi]
390   begin
391     e[sn] += path_info.chomp(path)
392     e[pi] = path
393     throw :halt,
394   ensure
395     e[sn] = script_name
396     e[pi] = path_info
397   end
398 end

The session for the current request. Raises a RodaError if a session handler has not been loaded.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/request.rb
402 def session
403   @env['rack.session'] || raise(RodaError, "You're missing a session handler, try using the sessions plugin.")
404 end