module Roda::RodaPlugins::Mailer

  1. lib/roda/plugins/mailer.rb

The mailer plugin allows your Roda application to send emails easily.

class Mailer < Roda
  plugin :render
  plugin :mailer

  route do |r|
    r.on "albums", Integer do |album_id|
      @album = Album[album_id]

      r.mail "added" do
        from ''
        to ''
        cc ''
        bcc ''
        subject 'Album Added'
        add_file "path/to/album_added_img.jpg"
        render(:albums_added_email) # body

The default method for sending a mail is sendmail:


If you want to return the Mail::Message instance for further modification, you can just use the mail method:

mail = Mailer.mail("/albums/1/added")
mail.from ''

The mailer plugin uses the mail gem, so if you want to configure how email is sent, you can use Mail.defaults (see the mail gem documentation for more details):

Mail.defaults do
  delivery_method :smtp, address: '', port: 587

You can support multipart emails using text_part and html_part:

r.mail "added" do
  from ''
  to ''
  subject 'Album Added'
  text_part render('album_added.txt')  # views/album_added.txt.erb
  html_part render('album_added.html') # views/album_added.html.erb

In addition to allowing you to use Roda’s render plugin for rendering email bodies, you can use all of Roda’s usual routing tree features to DRY up your code:

r.on "albums", Integer do |album_id|
  @album = Album[album_id]
  from ''
  to ''

  r.mail "added" do
    subject 'Album Added'

  r.mail "deleted" do
    subject 'Album Deleted'

When sending a mail via mail or sendmail, a RodaError will be raised if the mail object does not have a body. This is similar to the 404 status that Roda uses by default for web requests that don’t have a body. If you want to specifically send an email with an empty body, you can use the explicit empty string:

r.mail do
  from ''
  to ''
  subject 'No Body Here'

If while preparing the email you figure out you don’t want to send an email, call no_mail!:

r.mail 'welcome', Integer do |id| 
  no_mail! unless user = User[id]
  # ...

You can pass arguments when calling mail or sendmail, and they will be yielded as additional arguments to the appropriate r.mail block:

Mailer.sendmail('/welcome/1', '')

r.mail 'welcome' do |user_id, mail_from| 
  from mail_from
  to User[user_id].email
  # ...

By default, the mailer uses text/plain as the Content-Type for emails. You can override the default by specifying a :content_type option when loading the plugin:

plugin :mailer, content_type: 'text/html'

For backwards compatibility reasons, the r.mail method does not do a terminal match by default if provided arguments (unlike r.get and You can pass the :terminal option to make r.mail enforce a terminal match if provided arguments.

The mailer plugin does support being used inside a Roda application that is handling web requests, where the routing block for mails and web requests is shared. However, it’s recommended that you create a separate Roda application for emails. This can be a subclass of your main Roda application if you want your helper methods to automatically be available in your email views.


Public Class

  1. configure

Public Class methods

configure(app, opts=OPTS)

Set the options for the mailer. Options:


The default content type for emails (default: text/plain)

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/mailer.rb
136 def self.configure(app, opts=OPTS)
137   app.opts[:mailer] = (app.opts[:mailer]||OPTS).merge(opts).freeze
138 end