module Roda::RodaPlugins::HashRoutes

  1. lib/roda/plugins/hash_routes.rb

The hash_routes plugin builds on top of the hash_branches and hash_paths plugins, and adds a DSL for configuring hash branches and paths. It also adds an r.hash_routes method for first attempting dispatch to the configured hash_paths, then to the configured hash_branches:

class App < Roda
  plugin :hash_routes

  hash_branch("a") do |r|
    # /a branch

  hash_branch("b") do |r|
    # /b branch

  hash_path("/a") do |r|
    # /a path

  hash_path("/a/b") do |r|
    # /a/b path

  route do |r|

With the above routing tree, requests for /a and /a/b will be routed to the appropriate hash_path block. Other requests for the /a branch, and all requests for the /b branch will be routed to the appropriate hash_branch block.

It is best for performance to explicitly specify the namespace when calling r.hash_routes.

Because specifying routes explicitly using the hash_branch and hash_path class methods can get repetitive, the hash_routes plugin offers a DSL for DRYing the code up. This DSL is used by calling the hash_routes class method. The DSL used tries to mirror the standard Roda DSL, but it is not a normal routing tree (it’s not possible to execute arbitrary code between branches during routing).

class App < Roda
  plugin :hash_routes

  # No block argument is used, DSL evaluates block using instance_exec
  hash_routes "" do
    # on method is used for routing to next segment,
    # for similarity to standard Roda
    on "a" do |r|
      r.hash_routes '/a'

    on "b" do |r|

  # Block argument is used, block is yielded DSL instance
  hash_routes "/a" do |hr|
    # is method is used for routing to the remaining path,
    # for similarity to standard Roda "b" do |r|
      # /a/b path
    end "c" do |r|
      # /a/c path

  hash_routes :b do
    is "b" do |r|
      # /b/b path

    is "c" do |r|
      # /b/c path

  route do |r|
    # No change here, DSL only makes setup DRYer

The hash_routes DSL also offers some additional features to handle additional cases. It supports verb methods, such as get and post, which operate like is, but are only called if the verb matches (and are not yielded the request). It supports a view method for routes that only render views, as well as a views method for setting up routes for multiple views in a single call, which is a good replacement for the multi_view plugin. is, view, and the verb methods can use a value of true for the empty remaining path (as the empty string specifies the "/" remaining path). It also supports a dispatch_from method, allowing you to setup dispatching to current group of routes from a higher-level namespace. The hash_routes class method will return the DSL instance, so you are not limited to using it with a block.

Here’s the above example modified to use some of these features:

class App < Roda
  plugin :hash_routes

  hash_routes "/a" do
    # Dispatch requests for the /a branch from the empty (default) routing
    # namespace to this namespace
    dispatch_from "a"

    # Handle GET /a path, render "a" template, returning 404 for non-GET requests
    view true, "a"

    # Handle /a/b path, returning 404 for non-GET requests
    get "b" do
      # GET /a/b path

    # Handle /a/c path, returning 404 for non-POST requests
    post "c" do
      # POST /a/c path

  bhr = hash_routes(:b)

  # Dispatch requests for the /b branch from the empty routing to this namespace,
  # but first check routes in the :b_preauth namespace.  If there is no
  # matching route in the :b_preauth namespace, call the check_authenticated!
  # method before dispatching to any of the routes in this namespace
  bhr.dispatch_from "", "b" do |r|
    r.hash_routes :b_preauth
  end true do |r|
    # /b path
  end "" do |r|
    # /b/ path

  # GET /b/d path, render 'd2' template, returning 404 for non-GET requests
  bhr.views 'd', 'd2'

  # GET /b/e path, render 'e' template, returning 404 for non-GET requests
  # GET /b/f path, render 'f' template, returning 404 for non-GET requests
  bhr.views %w'e f'

  route do |r|

The view and views method depend on the render plugin being loaded, but this plugin does not load the render plugin. You must load the render plugin separately if you want to use the view and views methods.

Certain parts of the hash_routes DSL support do not work with the route_block_args plugin, as doing so would reduce performance. These are:

  • dispatch_from

  • view

  • views

  • all verb methods (get, post, etc.)


Public Class

  1. configure
  2. load_dependencies

Public Class methods

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/hash_routes.rb
177 def self.configure(app)
178   app.opts[:hash_routes_methods] ||= {}
179 end
[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/hash_routes.rb
172 def self.load_dependencies(app)
173   app.plugin :hash_branches
174   app.plugin :hash_paths
175 end