module Roda::RodaPlugins::Path::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/roda/plugins/path.rb


Public Instance

  1. path
  2. url

Public Instance methods

path(obj, *args, &block)

Return a path based on the class of the object. The object passed must have had its class previously registered with the application. If the app’s :add_script_name option is true, this prepends the SCRIPT_NAME to the path.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/path.rb
223 def path(obj, *args, &block)
224   app = self.class
225   opts = app.opts
226   klass =  opts[:path_class_by_name] ? : obj.class
227   unless meth = opts[:path_class_methods][klass]
228     raise RodaError, "unrecognized object given to Roda#path: #{obj.inspect}"
229   end
231   path = send(meth, obj, *args, &block)
232   path = request.script_name.to_s + path if opts[:add_script_name]
233   path
234 end
url(*args, &block)

Similar to path, but returns a complete URL.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/path.rb
237 def url(*args, &block)
238   "#{_base_url}#{path(*args, &block)}"
239 end