class Roda::RodaPlugins::HostRouting::DSL

  1. lib/roda/plugins/host_routing.rb
Superclass: Object


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. default
  2. process
  3. register
  4. to

Public Class methods

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/host_routing.rb
110 def initialize
111   @hosts = []
112   @host_hash = {}
113 end

Public Instance methods

default(hostname, &block)

Register the default hostname. If a block is provided, it is called with the host if there is no match for one of the hostnames provided to to. If the block returns nil/false, the hostname given to this method is used.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/host_routing.rb
147 def default(hostname, &block)
148   @default_host = hostname
149   @default_block = block
150 end

Run the DSL for the given block.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/host_routing.rb
116 def process(&block)
117   instance_exec(self, &block)
119   if !@default_host
120     raise RodaError, "must call default method inside host_routing plugin block to set default host"
121   end
123   @hosts.concat(@host_hash.values)
124   @hosts << @default_host
125   @hosts.uniq!
126   [@hosts.freeze, @host_hash.freeze, @default_block, @default_host].freeze
127 end

Register hosts that can be returned. This is only needed if calling register with a block, where the block can return a value that doesn’t match a host given to to or default.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/host_routing.rb
132 def register(*hosts)
133   @hosts = hosts
134 end
to(host, *hostnames)

Treat all given hostnames as routing to the give host.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/host_routing.rb
137 def to(host, *hostnames)
138   hostnames.each do |hostname|
139     @host_hash[hostname] = host
140   end
141 end