module Roda::RodaPlugins::SymbolMatchers::ClassMethods

  1. lib/roda/plugins/symbol_matchers.rb


Public Instance

  1. freeze
  2. symbol_matcher

Public Instance methods


Freeze the class_matchers hash when freezing the app.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/symbol_matchers.rb
134 def freeze
135   opts[:symbol_matchers].freeze
136   super
137 end
symbol_matcher(s, matcher, &block)

Set the matcher and block to use for the given class. The matcher can be a regexp, registered symbol matcher, or registered class matcher (if using the class_matchers plugin).

If providing a regexp, the block given will be called with all regexp captures. If providing a registered symbol or class, the block will be called with the captures returned by the block for the registered symbol or class, or the regexp captures if no block was registered with the symbol or class. In either case, if a block is given, it should return an array with the captures to yield to the match block.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/symbol_matchers.rb
125 def symbol_matcher(s, matcher, &block)
126   _symbol_class_matcher(Symbol, s, matcher, block) do |meth, array|
127     define_method(meth){array}
128   end
130   nil
131 end