module Roda::RodaPlugins::RenderCoverage::ClassMethods

  1. lib/roda/plugins/render_coverage.rb


Public Instance

  1. create_template

Public Instance methods

create_template(opts, template_opts)

Set a compiled path on the created template, if the path for the template is in one of the allowed_views.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/plugins/render_coverage.rb
52 def create_template(opts, template_opts)
53   return super if opts[:template_block]
55   path = File.expand_path(opts[:path])
56   compiled_path = nil
57   (self.opts[:render_coverage_strip_paths] || render_opts[:allowed_paths]).each do |dir|
58     if path.start_with?(dir + '/')
59       compiled_path = File.join(self.opts[:render_coverage_dir], path[dir.length+1, 10000000].gsub('/', '-'))
60       break
61     end
62   end
64   # For Tilt 2.6+, when using :scope_class and fixed locals, must provide
65   # compiled path as option, since compilation happens during initalization
66   # in that case. This option should be ignored if the template does not
67   # support it, but some template class may break if the option is not
68   # handled, so for compatibility, only set the method if Tilt::Template
69   # will handle it.
70   if compiled_path && Tilt::Template.method_defined?(:fixed_locals?)
71     template_opts = template_opts.dup
72     template_opts[:compiled_path] = compiled_path
73     compiled_path = nil
74   end
76   template = super
78   # Set compiled path for template when using older tilt versions.
79   # :nocov:
80   template.compiled_path = compiled_path if compiled_path
81   # :nocov:
83   template
84 end