module Roda::RodaPlugins::Render::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/roda/plugins/render.rb


Public Instance

  1. render
  2. render_opts
  3. view

Public Instance methods

render(template, opts = (no_opts = true; optimized_template = _cached_template_method(template); OPTS), &block)

Render the given template. See Render for details.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/render.rb
591 def render(template, opts = (no_opts = true; optimized_template = _cached_template_method(template); OPTS), &block)
592   if optimized_template
593     _call_optimized_template_method(optimized_template, OPTS, &block)
594   elsif !no_opts && opts.length == 1 && (locals = opts[:locals]) && (optimized_template = _optimized_render_method_for_locals(template, locals))
595     _call_optimized_template_method(optimized_template, locals, &block)
596   else
597     opts = render_template_opts(template, opts)
598     retrieve_template(opts).render((opts[:scope]||self), (opts[:locals]||OPTS), &block)
599   end
600 end

Return the render options for the instance’s class.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/render.rb
603 def render_opts
604   self.class.render_opts
605 end
view(template, opts = (content = _optimized_view_content(template) unless defined?(yield); OPTS), &block)

Render the given template. If there is a default layout for the class, take the result of the template rendering and render it inside the layout. Blocks passed to view are passed to render when rendering the template. See Render for details.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/render.rb
612 def view(template, opts = (content = _optimized_view_content(template) unless defined?(yield); OPTS), &block)
613   if content
614     # First, check if the optimized layout method has already been created,
615     # and use it if so.  This way avoids the extra conditional and local variable
616     # assignments in the next section.
617     if layout_method = _layout_method
618       return _call_optimized_template_method(layout_method, OPTS){content}
619     end
621     # If we have an optimized template method but no optimized layout method, create the
622     # optimized layout method if possible and use it.  If you can't create the optimized
623     # layout method, fall through to the slower approach.
624     if layout_template = self.class.opts[:render][:optimize_layout]
625       retrieve_template(:template=>layout_template, :cache_key=>nil, :template_method_cache_key => :_roda_layout)
626       if layout_method = _layout_method
627         return _call_optimized_template_method(layout_method, OPTS){content}
628       end
629     end
630   else
631     opts = parse_template_opts(template, opts)
632     content = opts[:content] || render_template(opts, &block)
633   end
635   if layout_opts  = view_layout_opts(opts)
636     content = render_template(layout_opts){content}
637   end
639   content
640 end