module Roda::RodaPlugins::MailProcessor::ClassMethods

  1. lib/roda/plugins/mail_processor.rb


Public Instance

  1. freeze
  2. process_mail
  3. process_mailbox
  4. rcpt

Public Instance methods


Freeze the rcpt routes if they are present.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/mail_processor.rb
289 def freeze
290   if string_routes = opts[:mail_processor_string_routes].freeze
291     string_routes.freeze
292     opts[:mail_processor_regexp_routes].freeze
293   end
294   super
295 end

Process the given Mail instance, calling the appropriate hooks depending on whether the mail was handled during processing.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/mail_processor.rb
299 def process_mail(mail)
300   scope = new("PATH_INFO"=>'', 'SCRIPT_NAME'=>'', "REQUEST_METHOD"=>"PROCESSMAIL", 'rack.input'=>, 'roda.mail'=>mail)
302   begin
303     begin
304       scope.process_mail
305     rescue UnhandledMail
306       scope.unhandled_mail_hook
307     else
308       scope.handled_mail_hook
309     end
310   ensure
311     scope.after_mail_hook
312   end
313 end

Process all mail in the given mailbox. If the :retriever option is given, should be an object supporting the Mail retriever API, otherwise uses the default Mail retriever_method. This deletes retrieved mail from the mailbox after processing, so that when called multiple times it does not reprocess the same mail. If mail should be archived and not deleted, the after_mail method should be used to perform the archiving of the mail.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/mail_processor.rb
321 def process_mailbox(opts=OPTS)
322   (opts[:retriever] || Mail).find_and_delete(opts.dup){|m| process_mail(m)}
323   nil
324 end
rcpt(*addresses, &block)

Setup a routing tree for the given recipient addresses, which can be strings or regexps. Any messages matching the given recipient address will use these routing trees instead of the normal routing tree.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/mail_processor.rb
329 def rcpt(*addresses, &block)
330   opts[:mail_processor_string_routes] ||= {}
331   opts[:mail_processor_regexp_routes] ||= {}
332   string_meth = nil
333   regexp_meth = nil
334   addresses.each do |address|
335     case address
336     when String
337       unless string_meth
338         string_meth = define_roda_method("mail_processor_string_route_#{address}", 1, &convert_route_block(block))
339       end
340       opts[:mail_processor_string_routes][address] = string_meth 
341     when Regexp
342       unless regexp_meth
343         regexp_meth = define_roda_method("mail_processor_regexp_route_#{address}", :any, &convert_route_block(block))
344       end
345       opts[:mail_processor_regexp_routes][address] = regexp_meth
346     else
347       raise RodaError, "invalid address format passed to rcpt, should be Array or String"
348     end
349   end
350   nil
351 end