
Last Update: 2016-03-15 08:56:37 -0700

New Features

  • An optimized_string_matchers plugin has been added, which contains optimized matchers for single strings. r.on_branch is an optimized version of r.on and r.is_exactly is optimized version of r.is:

    plugin :optimized_string_matchers
    route do |r|
      r.on_branch "x" do
        # matches /x and paths starting with /x/
        r.is_exactly "y" do
          # matches /x/y

    Both of these methods will work even if the strings have placeholders, but no captures will be yielded to the blocks.

  • The error_handler plugin now has access to the request’s remaining_path when handling an error. You can then compare the remaining_path to path_info to see how much of request was already routed, which can be useful when reporting errors.

Other Improvements

  • String matching for strings without placeholders is now 60% faster as it uses optimized string operations instead of a regexp match.

  • Symbol matching is now 60% faster as it uses optimized string operations instead of a regexp match.

Backwards Compatibility

  • The match methods no longer automatically reset the remaining_path via ensure. This means that using non-local jumps out of the code such as begin/rescue and throw/catch will not reset remaining_path automatically. Users that want to reset remaining path in such cases should use their own ensure blocks.