module Roda::RodaPlugins::HashPaths::ClassMethods

  1. lib/roda/plugins/hash_paths.rb


Public Instance

  1. freeze
  2. hash_path
  3. inherited

Public Instance methods


Freeze the hash_paths metadata when freezing the app.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/plugins/hash_paths.rb
84 def freeze
85   opts[:hash_paths].freeze.each_value(&:freeze)
86   super
87 end
hash_path(namespace='', path, &block)

Add path handler for the given namespace and path. When the r.hash_paths method is called, checks the matching namespace for the full remaining path, and dispatch to that block if there is one. If called without a block, removes the existing path handler if it exists.

[show source]
    # File lib/roda/plugins/hash_paths.rb
104 def hash_path(namespace='', path, &block)
105   routes = opts[:hash_paths][namespace] ||= {}
106   if block
107     routes[path] = define_roda_method(routes[path] || "hash_path_#{namespace}_#{path}", 1, &convert_route_block(block))
108   elsif meth = routes.delete(path)
109     remove_method(meth)
110   end
111 end

Duplicate hash_paths metadata in subclass.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/plugins/hash_paths.rb
90 def inherited(subclass)
91   super
93   h = subclass.opts[:hash_paths]
94   opts[:hash_paths].each do |namespace, routes|
95     h[namespace] = routes.dup
96   end
97 end