module Roda::RodaPlugins::Base::RequestClassMethods

  1. lib/roda/request.rb

Class methods for RodaRequest


match_pattern_cache [RW]

The cache to use for match patterns for this request class.

roda_class [RW]

Reference to the Roda class related to this request class.

Public Instance methods


Return the cached pattern for the given object. If the object is not already cached, yield to get the basic pattern, and convert the basic pattern to a pattern that does not match partial segments.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/request.rb
39 def cached_matcher(obj)
40   cache = @match_pattern_cache
42   unless pattern = cache[obj]
43     pattern = cache[obj] = consume_pattern(yield)
44   end
46   pattern
47 end

Since RodaRequest is anonymously subclassed when Roda is subclassed, and then assigned to a constant of the Roda subclass, make inspect reflect the likely name for the class.

[show source]
   # File lib/roda/request.rb
52 def inspect
53   "#{roda_class.inspect}::RodaRequest"
54 end